The Earlier, The Better!
Turning 65 is a confusing time, you're inundated with information pertaining to Medicare. Telemarketers, mailers, and television ads make it very hard to navigate through the maze. I will make the A,B, C and D of Medicare simple and you will understand the differences between Advantage Plans and Original Medicare with a supplement. I sit down with you and make sure you have a comprehensive understanding, and that you are making an informed decision moving forward.
The earlier you understand the differences, the better it is for you. Not everyone is happy with their initial selection when they enrolled with Medicare and will need help making changes. You don't have to wait for an Annual Election Period to make a change. Contact me today to find out how!

"I have known Karla the last several years. She helped me through a very difficult decision making time with professionalism and honesty. She answered every single question that I had about Medicare even if she had to go find the answer herself. I would recommend her highly to anyone who's looking for someone who will help, who will care and make sure that you have the very best of whatever it is that you need.​"
Patricia Khurshid
"Karla Blake is truly a life saver! She is a Medicare Specialist in every sense of the title. My Father was paying astronomical out-of-pocket expenses for his medical services and prescriptions prior to our meeting Karla. We met her on a Wednesday at a Chamber of Commerce Event, and she came to our house on Friday. She asked questions, listened, offered advice and within one hour she had the Medicare Supplement Application completed. She guided us every step of the way, offered different supplemental plans and explained the pros and cons of each. Her knowledge, compassion, expertise, and friendship arrived on her Angel Wings."
Heidi Reslow
"Soon after turning 65, I experienced what I believed most Seniors my age or older that signed up to "Medicare Plan" programs do; limited services, changing of primary care doctors and the endless processes of "referrals." ... Karla offered me an affordable option that has saved me money and continues to provide me accessibility to a high quality of care with the medical team of my choosing ..."
Alex Gomez